The importance of reading, writing and mathematics In the development of complex competencies


  • Miguel Ángel Montes-Montaño



This paper focuses on the development of complex competencies in students though the articulation of coding and decoding processes of linguistic meanings in reading, writing and mathematics. The articulation of these three areas of knowledge requires coordinating a variety of mental abilities found in the right and left hemispheres of the brain in support of the formation of integrated thinking in the student.


Equally, it is understood in this text that the acquisition of knowledge and the evelopment of thinking abilities are fundamental elements in the development of one's cognitive, evaluative and procedural competencies. Furthermore, the development of complex competencies through the relationship of these three areas of knowledge allows the formation of discerning professionals in their environment with highly developed abstract intellectual capacities that allow them to face uncertainty in the midst of complexity. U had this as one sentence!! Check against the below please.


De igual manera, en este texto se entiende que la adquisición de conocimiento y el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento son elementos fundamentales en la persona para desarrollar competencias cognitivas, valorativas y  procedimentales, por lo que el desarrollo de competencias complejas a través de la relación de éstos tres conocimientos, permite formar profesionales críticos de su entorno y de sí mismos, con altas capacidades intelectuales abstractas que le permiten afrontar los problemas inciertos dados en el paradigma de la complejidad.



Complex competencies, writing, formation, thinking abilities, reading and mathematics.


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Cómo citar

Montes-Montaño, M. Ángel. (2017). The importance of reading, writing and mathematics In the development of complex competencies. REVISTA ADELANTE-AHEAD, 2(1). Recuperado a partir de



Investigaciones Académicas